Thursday, 14 June 2012


3. iMuse

Name of shop: iMuse
Contact number: 67487487
Location of shop: 810 Geylang Road. #02-09/10 City Plaza Singapore 409286

My favorite shop out of the many shops we passed by at City Plaza. 
If you enjoy shopping at sites like Wonderstellar or Ashincans, you'll love imuse for sure.
iMuse brings in the fashion style with affordable prices, with iMuse you'll never go wrong with style.


If you're a fan of AIC, you would have seen this exact same piece before, and it's also retailing at 
iMuse at a cheaper price too! 
It is a good opportunity for those of you who really enjoy shopping online, but have troubles coming to a decision on whether to buy or not because of the sizes and stuff. 


You've no excuses with iMuse because there are changing rooms for you to try out the clothes and even feel great it them! You don't have to worry about things like, "what if the material is not good or the color not that nice in real life?" because you can check it out in it's physical form!! 


iMuse also designs their own clothes and they do wholesaling too, 
so if you stay in the East, you can always head down to do a lil shopping and check it out too! 

Don't forget to like them on facebook to get their latest updates! 

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